This all took place shortly after Secretary of State for Education issued a statement to the House of Commons saying she intended to stop commencement of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act and renewed pressure was brought to bear on social media companies to censor content that governments don't like, both from Mr Starmer's remarks and through the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in Paris. It all looks highly contrived to create a pretext for more censorship and political arrests based on the chimeric 'far-right extremists' that are supposedly advancing through the country like the Eurasian Soldier of 1984.

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There hardly seems to be any policy ( of the government) that doesn't arise from a created pretext. It has all come in to clear focus since 'covid 19' was kicked off in March 2020. ( Fraudulent use of) PCR...thousands of cases and growing 'exponentially'! More lockdowns needed! Masks for everyone everywhere! Censorship because people might learn contrary views...views that aren't approved by the government!

The Establishment has tasted 'success', has refined and expanded its 'nudging', and, must have a folder full of 'pretexts' to further its increasingly authoritarian agenda.

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We are being played like a finely tuned piano, and repeatedly. Mostly minor keys that are pounded again and again to instil a sense of fear and melancholy into our very souls. We really do need to wake people up to their modus operandi and fast. Keep on keeping on Dr. S.

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An excellent piece - thank you. I have often wondered the same - how, at these 'spontaneous' gatherings, those protesting all seem to have professionally printed placards carrying the message du jour. It is clear these are not spontaneous at all and are the result of well-controlled communication to groups of willing (paid up?) 'supporters' who take to the streets bearing their messages.

Hope Note Hate is an odious organisation - and there is a rumour (I need to be careful here less I end up in jail for mis-speak) that the whole 'far-right thugs are coming to burn down your mosque' rumours in fact emanated from one of the leaders of Hate Not Hope (as I call them). If this is true (these words didn't stop a 55yo mother from being sent to the slammer!) this person needs to be identified, charged with incitement to violence - and any other relevant charge - and see to straight to jail for several years.

We are living in dystopian times - and I believe we are living through the decline and fall of Western Civilisation. They say history is written by the victors - who will be writing the UK's history in 2-300 years - I'll wager it won't be WASPs.

It is clear we are all being played by 'nudge units' - we must be aware of this - and educate our children to be on high alert that these people want to control you and your mind.

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Yes, words are not necessary or adequate to express the feelings of the British people..and all people who knew about it..after that dreadful day. Therefore, the language that followed from the centre was unwarranted but not surprising.

They know the power of words. What does 'far right' even mean these days? It just sounds nasty, so I guess throw it at anyone you want to shut up or to be dismissed.

It is getting beyond a joke. I was called a nazi a few weeks ago on Facebook by somebody who had lost an argument ie coudn't refute my simple, obvious points. He reported me to the site's admins for posting a cartoon that didn't have a black face in it! Bob Moran hang your head with shame! We are all being targetted and skin colour isn't going to save you if you are not in the club.

I wouldn't be surprised if bots and paid agents flood the internet to stifle chat just in case a rallying cry or the truth gets oxygen. I hardly dip my toe in the water yet they threaten to cut my foot off.

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"I, however, do hold the belief that the vast majority of human beings will respond sensitively and constructively to tragedies without the need for instruction and manipulation from above."

I agree, but what response is 'constructive' when communities are being destroyed, children are being raped and slaughtered, employment is lost and wages driven down, your culture is being eradicated etc, and the state is knowingly implementing policy that causes the problems whilst attacking those same communities for being 'far-right'? When all peaceful avenues of protest have been exhausted, and the only thing that greets you at every corner is despair, what response is 'constructive'?

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Don't do what they want or expect you to do.

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So what do you suggest? That's my point. How do you believe the people win? Sign more petitions? Wait for the next state-approved 'election'? How about making some banners and walking with others a lot? None of this works, none of this has ever worked - not unless the system wants it to work. I'll tell you what they do expect: they expect people to say things like "don't do what they want or expect you to do"; that's the singular most expected thing.

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I believe we ‘win’ when a significant minority of ordinary people (maybe as low as 15-20% of the population) show visible dissent to the global elite’s agenda. They are a tiny few & we are billions - a tyranny can only persist if the masses silently collude with it.

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Perhaps that would be a good topic to write an article on Gary? How you believe we stop this juggernaut without a physical uprising.

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I don't believe that will happen for several reasons, but the key to this is understanding that we are at war. The state, with the full support of all supposed political parties, is in the process of one of the biggest power grabs in history. Although I can't know for sure, I believe the agenda was accelerated after the so-called populist events of 2016. In order to complete the elite-driven state project, which will ultimately be Marxist in nature, it must crush the will and expectations of its people.

Although this is largely a psychological war, a war it is. And when at war, a warring side will not surrender because a minority of the other side politely ask them to stand down. I wish you were right, but I don't believe you are.

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No, they expect the majority to do nothing and a minority to go on social media to complain and an even smaller minority to go out on the streets to protest. They probably don't expect many to stand for their local council in an election or to speak their minds to friends and family. They probably don't expect many to see the main issue is the economy and how it is being dismantled slowly in order to build it back in a different form. They probably do expect for people to be distracted and divided by the news.

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I believe you're conflating knowledge and outcome. With the exception of standing in local council, which is completely captured by the same managerial class as the state, all other points lead to wider knowledge; knowledge itself has no tangible outcome. So, again, the question is how to convert knowledge to change of outcome.

Anyway, we're both on the same side, let's agree to disagree and we can see where we are in ten years time.

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