Your testimony strongly resonates with me. I agree that Brownstone has been on it since early doors. And John Campbell’s switch to a sceptical voice is important - I wish more commentators would put their hands up and publicly say that they got it wrong.
You have saved me the bother of writing an almost identical article!
I was already suspicious of the mainstream media over the hysteria they instilled re Brexit and the first round of Donald Trump. I gave up on the BBC back then. The poor old Beeb really is struggling with its current bout of longstanding Trump Derangement Syndrome - even the World Service can't report on anything without implying it's his fault!
I would add the Brownstone Institute to your trustworthy list and people like Dr John Campbell who saw the light eventually.
The sad thing is that my (already very low) trust in the NHS and the medical profession has been completely destroyed. Would I get my kids vaccinated now if they were babies? No I wouldn't. Would I trust a diagnosis from an unknown GP now? Probably not (I moved 3 years ago and have never met my new GPs although they kindly said I wasn't mad so the police renewed my gun licence!).
Do I trust the friends and relations that screamed abuse at me during the Covid debacle? No - there are now huge verboten areas in my relations with everyone I meet. Conversations about Covid, Brexit, Trump, Climate Change, Vaccinations and so on - all off the table now.
I spent my first 60 years confident in the country I live in and the people running it on my behalf. I didn't like them but I was confident they had the best interests of the country at heart. I trusted the scientists and medical professionals, the school teachers, the police and judiciary to be doing honest work. Been a difficult ride, these last few years.
What became increasingly obvious was the wisdom of the Manchester shopkeeper who many years ago had a sign: "In God we trust. Everyone else pays cash."
Once you go down that first rabbit hole you are in a warren that you just can't exit. Everything is called into question, absolutely everything that we took for granted and once trusted. We have been lied to about viruses, germ theory, gravity, space, definitely the shape of the earth. All vaccines, chem trails, the attack on our food supply, on our elderly, on our children, on us. The list goes on. I think 2020 woke up many of us and it has been truly horrible learning how evil this world is. But once the genie is out of the bottle there is no putting it back.
I was late to the sceptical party because I kept trying to make sense of the official pandemic narrative. People were being harassed, arrested and bullied by the police in 2020 if they questioned any of the draconian covid measures while I was trying to work out how this had anything to do with treating an infectious disease. I was desperately trying to make sense of the bizarre behaviour from government and public health and I was waiting for them to reverse and admit they were wrong. Instead they doubled down and I realised with a sinking heart we were in trouble, I still have that feeling. I am very sceptical of anything I hear in media no matter who it is or what they are saying. I now rely on myself and what feels right and wrong to me and less on what outside sources are saying. I have no trust in government or any of their controlled institutions and my world feels much less safer now than it did pre 2020.
Excellent article which expresses much of what I now think, feel and believe.
As a traditionally trained retired medical doctor the pandemic has shaken my beliefs to the core and destroyed much of my trust in my own profession. It has been exceptionally hard to come to terms with all of this and to reappraise everything I had previously taken based on trust and teaching.
I also continue to read as critically as possible all of the evidence that has slowly emerged over the last 5 years. The scales have truly fallen from my eyes and I am desperately sad that so many people still refuse to even consider the evidence and apply it to the truth based on their own knowledge and personal experience.
My only consolation is that my continuing education in the art of critical analysis and knowledge and understanding of medical and scientific matters is hopefully keeping the little grey cells in tip top working order and helping me to effectively stave off a terminal decline into senility!
Striving to unravel what's really going on in this crazy world is definitely a way of keeping us retirees occupied in worthwhile endeavours - as well as keeping dementia at bay!
A great article Gary, and one which so many of us can relate to completely.
Once you know, and have pulled back the veil which the MSM use to propagandise us by way of media lies (if only by omission and the use of The Overton Window), you can never go back to your old way of thinking.
Anthony Sutton's work is also worth a read as it reveals, in a well researched and scholarly manner, the globalist interests behind the Bolschevik Revolution, rise of the German National Socialst Party and America's 'New Deal' under Franklin Roosevelt. So too is the recently published book on Purdue Pharma 'Empire of Pain,' although the author does let himself down in the closing chapters by failing to connect Covid with the scams he has just described. Going back further in time, to the public debut of the term New World Order (or Novus Ordo Seclorum as it then was) and a theme no-one seems to have dared tackle, one might well ask why a peaceful protest and boycott over taxes and parliamentary representation in Britain's North American colonies suddenly turned into a violent revolution when the East India Company, the mother of all globalist corporations, was granted the right to trade with them directly by the 1773 Tea Act or why local slave owners suddenly believed themselves to be the people's champions of Freedom or why they fought and declared independence under the flag of the very company whose arrival they were supposedly so incensed about. Maybe the world is controlled by a secret cult of trans-dimensional lizard people or the Matrix really is real, but my bet is still on old-fashioned greed, megalomania, corruption, fraud, deceit and credulity that people have warned about for millenia.
Thank you for your interest and for taking the time to respond. I've been meaning to read Antony Sutton's trilogy for a while and I'll now get on with buying it.
Madhava Setty argues similarly to you, very much worth following his stuff at "Insult to intuition".
Fwiw, people that I think were and are correct on all major issues and who are as such very much worth following and trusting with the caveats you mentioned are Paul Craig Roberts, David Stockman, Ron Paul, Donald Jeffries, Jeffrey Tucker, Jeff Thomas and Taki.
Welcome to the un-main-stream Gary. We were on a group call at the beginning of the covid madness and you rightly recoiled from my over-enthusiastic suggestion to fight hypnotic suggestions with hypnotic suggestions. I later wrote a more accessible, functional guide for the confused which complements your thoughts above and, I hope, will be an illumination for those who are seeking to trust the only person they can - and should - truly trust. All of us can and must, in spite of our errors from which we can learn, trust ourselves.
I remember you, Hugh. Your book looks interesting; I'll add it to my list! My sense is that we are very much on the same page, but rely on rather different psychological paradigms to make sense of this crazy world. Best wishes. Gary.
I think there must be millions of people doing what this writer is suggesting:- cultivating a personal circle of friends, acquaintances, and remote information sources; who may not always agree with one another, but who can establish a general consensus, and who have mutual respect allowing them to share ideas. This kind of network is surely the true currency of civilisation.
Your mental evolution closely resembles mine, albeit that I started my journey in 2013 after I retired from professional life.
I have also gone a step further in my awakening: yes, the CIA was involved in JFK's assassination, but merely as an enabling tool. The brains behind the project was none other than what is now seen as the world's only genocidal sewer: "israel".
Some other tools: the Mossad (of course!!) and the Jewish Mafia in the U.S. and its control of the Italian Mafia there - Meyer Lansky and his global organized crime syndicate feature prominently.
I recommend you read Michael Collins Piper's excellent book on the topic; "Final Judgment".
I can't help but wonder whose great idea was this to lie to everyone about Covid and the subsequent injections - up until then they had a really good thing going - the vast majority questioned very little and even when they did, they dare not admit it for fear of being labeled a conspiracy theorist.
Yet, in one fell swoop the barn door has been ripped off the hinges and now, no one believes anything. 2020 changed everything. I can't help but think of the scolding "Whose hairbrained idea was this?" as they sat in a boardroom. They had it so good for so long and now it's over. Even the Holocaust is being exposed. The death figures and how they died. Apparently, everything is a lie.
The Assad lie I personally was very much aware of after he wiped the floor with Charlie Rose - twice.
The moment they said you had less the a 1% chance of dying of Covid I stopped paying attention. I never altered anything and certainly never complied with any of it. My life remained unchanged. Till this day when people talk about Covid I can't relate - I never wore the masks nor anything else.
That being said, they know this which is why you have to be just as skeptical of alternative media. They simply upped the ante. I think a lot of these programs are clearly paid opposition to merely keep the disinters appeased and corralled. If not, clearly there would've been a revolution by now.
Additionally pay special attention to the fact so many of these guests and "experts" are also former and or retired government employee's. Those I personally trust more than I don't are Alastair Crooke and Kevin Barret who I'm surprised they haven't exiled from Planet Earth he's so uninhibited. Although they have put a huge damper on Kevin's income.
I think you make a really important point. BJ, regarding how the globalists have erred by pushing their nonsense too far, and too fast, during the covid event.
You got me realizing how significantly painful it had to be for you and others, like Dr. Yeadon, to suddenly awaken to the harsh reality that our world is not what it seems. I guess you could liken it to falling out of bed during an earthquake. For me, it began years ago when I merely traipsed upon and investigated the first rabbit hole for curiosity's sake. The gradual dawning was sorrowful overall, but it was also an exhilarating process. When lockdown happened, however, it became "real" and very scary, and depression set in.
As you said, every topic becomes suspect. Investigating some may be considered a waste of time while others might accidentally shed light on another, seemingly unrelated one. During this last year, taking a break from the bleak world of geopolitics, I followed the sources of a particular book authored by Liam Scheff called "Official Stories" in which he introduced fascinating evidence that we live in an electric universe. That field opened up a series of other wonderful discoveries (which never in a million years would I've anticipated), and which recently returned me, full-circle and plopped me into one of the first rabbit holes I entered: 9/11 and how it likely happened (hint: it wasn't explosives).
Question all things, keep an open mind, and Oh! the places you'll go!
I am honoured but saddened to be in such prestigious company when it comes to realising we are being lied to and manipulated by our government and institutions.
I had an inkling before Covid, as I had taken the government on over airport expansion and rising pension ages and realised that statistics were used to deceive. The social contract I had believed in, did not exist anymore, if it ever had. Needless to say, my campaigning was largely ignored. That's what happens if you control the media.
With Covid, I am not sure what happened but I wouldn't dismiss 5G/radiation as a factor. Certainly I think next gen. nuclear is on the cards, so they know all about that stuff.
I differ from you in that I am wary of almost EVERYBODY in the alt. media as I wonder if the plan wasn't all along to have a resistance. That is not to say that they are all "controlled opposition", as many are genuine and say a lot of the truth. It's just I think the idea always was that we put ourselves into groups and react (on line) to events, characters and stories.
If the ultimate goal is a One World Brain, the idea has been around for many years. The technology is now making it seem more possible and the old economic model needs replacing anyway, as debts balloon and cheap oil and gas decline. The metaverse and the noosphere are global projects and Putin and Trump are as much involved as any other characters on the world stage, including Joe Rogan.
In 1946, Oliver L. Reiser wrote in his book "The World Sensorium: The Social Embryology of World Federation" '...since society is a natural manifestation, it also must have its basic polarities. Indeed, social evolution itself seems to depend upon our ability to produce a balance, dynamic, spiraling movement in time toward some polarized objective'. So they need differences.
Page 190 features the statement “health must be the foundation of a successful planetary socialism.” On page 192 continues “a program based on health is so practical that any special interest groups would attack it at their peril,” and then on page 203 “health is a public responsibility; no one has a private right to be diseased.” That sets the stage for digital health protocols that will lock natural life into a perpetual cybernetic game of behaviourist conditioning and data extraction.
The UN's SDGs are the headings and excuses for the ant computer that will run our digital open prison. Some may like living in a box but we are not being asked, just nudged in as it is so safe and effective to live in there!
Your testimony strongly resonates with me. I agree that Brownstone has been on it since early doors. And John Campbell’s switch to a sceptical voice is important - I wish more commentators would put their hands up and publicly say that they got it wrong.
You have saved me the bother of writing an almost identical article!
I was already suspicious of the mainstream media over the hysteria they instilled re Brexit and the first round of Donald Trump. I gave up on the BBC back then. The poor old Beeb really is struggling with its current bout of longstanding Trump Derangement Syndrome - even the World Service can't report on anything without implying it's his fault!
I would add the Brownstone Institute to your trustworthy list and people like Dr John Campbell who saw the light eventually.
The sad thing is that my (already very low) trust in the NHS and the medical profession has been completely destroyed. Would I get my kids vaccinated now if they were babies? No I wouldn't. Would I trust a diagnosis from an unknown GP now? Probably not (I moved 3 years ago and have never met my new GPs although they kindly said I wasn't mad so the police renewed my gun licence!).
Do I trust the friends and relations that screamed abuse at me during the Covid debacle? No - there are now huge verboten areas in my relations with everyone I meet. Conversations about Covid, Brexit, Trump, Climate Change, Vaccinations and so on - all off the table now.
I spent my first 60 years confident in the country I live in and the people running it on my behalf. I didn't like them but I was confident they had the best interests of the country at heart. I trusted the scientists and medical professionals, the school teachers, the police and judiciary to be doing honest work. Been a difficult ride, these last few years.
What became increasingly obvious was the wisdom of the Manchester shopkeeper who many years ago had a sign: "In God we trust. Everyone else pays cash."
I like it!
Once you go down that first rabbit hole you are in a warren that you just can't exit. Everything is called into question, absolutely everything that we took for granted and once trusted. We have been lied to about viruses, germ theory, gravity, space, definitely the shape of the earth. All vaccines, chem trails, the attack on our food supply, on our elderly, on our children, on us. The list goes on. I think 2020 woke up many of us and it has been truly horrible learning how evil this world is. But once the genie is out of the bottle there is no putting it back.
So very true, Monica - I suspect your reactions have been similar to my own.
I was late to the sceptical party because I kept trying to make sense of the official pandemic narrative. People were being harassed, arrested and bullied by the police in 2020 if they questioned any of the draconian covid measures while I was trying to work out how this had anything to do with treating an infectious disease. I was desperately trying to make sense of the bizarre behaviour from government and public health and I was waiting for them to reverse and admit they were wrong. Instead they doubled down and I realised with a sinking heart we were in trouble, I still have that feeling. I am very sceptical of anything I hear in media no matter who it is or what they are saying. I now rely on myself and what feels right and wrong to me and less on what outside sources are saying. I have no trust in government or any of their controlled institutions and my world feels much less safer now than it did pre 2020.
I can identify with distrusting almost everything I hear - it's not the most comfortable place to be.
Excellent article which expresses much of what I now think, feel and believe.
As a traditionally trained retired medical doctor the pandemic has shaken my beliefs to the core and destroyed much of my trust in my own profession. It has been exceptionally hard to come to terms with all of this and to reappraise everything I had previously taken based on trust and teaching.
I also continue to read as critically as possible all of the evidence that has slowly emerged over the last 5 years. The scales have truly fallen from my eyes and I am desperately sad that so many people still refuse to even consider the evidence and apply it to the truth based on their own knowledge and personal experience.
My only consolation is that my continuing education in the art of critical analysis and knowledge and understanding of medical and scientific matters is hopefully keeping the little grey cells in tip top working order and helping me to effectively stave off a terminal decline into senility!
Striving to unravel what's really going on in this crazy world is definitely a way of keeping us retirees occupied in worthwhile endeavours - as well as keeping dementia at bay!
I am pleased my story resonated with you.
A great article Gary, and one which so many of us can relate to completely.
Once you know, and have pulled back the veil which the MSM use to propagandise us by way of media lies (if only by omission and the use of The Overton Window), you can never go back to your old way of thinking.
So true, PB.
Anthony Sutton's work is also worth a read as it reveals, in a well researched and scholarly manner, the globalist interests behind the Bolschevik Revolution, rise of the German National Socialst Party and America's 'New Deal' under Franklin Roosevelt. So too is the recently published book on Purdue Pharma 'Empire of Pain,' although the author does let himself down in the closing chapters by failing to connect Covid with the scams he has just described. Going back further in time, to the public debut of the term New World Order (or Novus Ordo Seclorum as it then was) and a theme no-one seems to have dared tackle, one might well ask why a peaceful protest and boycott over taxes and parliamentary representation in Britain's North American colonies suddenly turned into a violent revolution when the East India Company, the mother of all globalist corporations, was granted the right to trade with them directly by the 1773 Tea Act or why local slave owners suddenly believed themselves to be the people's champions of Freedom or why they fought and declared independence under the flag of the very company whose arrival they were supposedly so incensed about. Maybe the world is controlled by a secret cult of trans-dimensional lizard people or the Matrix really is real, but my bet is still on old-fashioned greed, megalomania, corruption, fraud, deceit and credulity that people have warned about for millenia.
Thank you for your interest and for taking the time to respond. I've been meaning to read Antony Sutton's trilogy for a while and I'll now get on with buying it.
Yep, same here. I'd add the moon landing...
Madhava Setty argues similarly to you, very much worth following his stuff at "Insult to intuition".
Fwiw, people that I think were and are correct on all major issues and who are as such very much worth following and trusting with the caveats you mentioned are Paul Craig Roberts, David Stockman, Ron Paul, Donald Jeffries, Jeffrey Tucker, Jeff Thomas and Taki.
Good to know you're on the same page, JB. Is Taki the same fella who wrote a regular piece in the Spectator?
Indeed. He has a weekly column at his own place now:
Thanks for the heads up, JB.
Welcome to the un-main-stream Gary. We were on a group call at the beginning of the covid madness and you rightly recoiled from my over-enthusiastic suggestion to fight hypnotic suggestions with hypnotic suggestions. I later wrote a more accessible, functional guide for the confused which complements your thoughts above and, I hope, will be an illumination for those who are seeking to trust the only person they can - and should - truly trust. All of us can and must, in spite of our errors from which we can learn, trust ourselves.
I remember you, Hugh. Your book looks interesting; I'll add it to my list! My sense is that we are very much on the same page, but rely on rather different psychological paradigms to make sense of this crazy world. Best wishes. Gary.
There are also some bite-sized commentaries on my blog: Wishing you fortitude in times of global insanity, H
I think there must be millions of people doing what this writer is suggesting:- cultivating a personal circle of friends, acquaintances, and remote information sources; who may not always agree with one another, but who can establish a general consensus, and who have mutual respect allowing them to share ideas. This kind of network is surely the true currency of civilisation.
Your mental evolution closely resembles mine, albeit that I started my journey in 2013 after I retired from professional life.
I have also gone a step further in my awakening: yes, the CIA was involved in JFK's assassination, but merely as an enabling tool. The brains behind the project was none other than what is now seen as the world's only genocidal sewer: "israel".
Some other tools: the Mossad (of course!!) and the Jewish Mafia in the U.S. and its control of the Italian Mafia there - Meyer Lansky and his global organized crime syndicate feature prominently.
I recommend you read Michael Collins Piper's excellent book on the topic; "Final Judgment".
I notice that the 'Final Judgement' book is on Amazon, priced at £219 for paperback!!
I can't help but wonder whose great idea was this to lie to everyone about Covid and the subsequent injections - up until then they had a really good thing going - the vast majority questioned very little and even when they did, they dare not admit it for fear of being labeled a conspiracy theorist.
Yet, in one fell swoop the barn door has been ripped off the hinges and now, no one believes anything. 2020 changed everything. I can't help but think of the scolding "Whose hairbrained idea was this?" as they sat in a boardroom. They had it so good for so long and now it's over. Even the Holocaust is being exposed. The death figures and how they died. Apparently, everything is a lie.
The Assad lie I personally was very much aware of after he wiped the floor with Charlie Rose - twice.
The moment they said you had less the a 1% chance of dying of Covid I stopped paying attention. I never altered anything and certainly never complied with any of it. My life remained unchanged. Till this day when people talk about Covid I can't relate - I never wore the masks nor anything else.
That being said, they know this which is why you have to be just as skeptical of alternative media. They simply upped the ante. I think a lot of these programs are clearly paid opposition to merely keep the disinters appeased and corralled. If not, clearly there would've been a revolution by now.
Additionally pay special attention to the fact so many of these guests and "experts" are also former and or retired government employee's. Those I personally trust more than I don't are Alastair Crooke and Kevin Barret who I'm surprised they haven't exiled from Planet Earth he's so uninhibited. Although they have put a huge damper on Kevin's income.
I think you make a really important point. BJ, regarding how the globalists have erred by pushing their nonsense too far, and too fast, during the covid event.
As Detective John McClane would say... "Welcome to the party pal!"
You got me realizing how significantly painful it had to be for you and others, like Dr. Yeadon, to suddenly awaken to the harsh reality that our world is not what it seems. I guess you could liken it to falling out of bed during an earthquake. For me, it began years ago when I merely traipsed upon and investigated the first rabbit hole for curiosity's sake. The gradual dawning was sorrowful overall, but it was also an exhilarating process. When lockdown happened, however, it became "real" and very scary, and depression set in.
As you said, every topic becomes suspect. Investigating some may be considered a waste of time while others might accidentally shed light on another, seemingly unrelated one. During this last year, taking a break from the bleak world of geopolitics, I followed the sources of a particular book authored by Liam Scheff called "Official Stories" in which he introduced fascinating evidence that we live in an electric universe. That field opened up a series of other wonderful discoveries (which never in a million years would I've anticipated), and which recently returned me, full-circle and plopped me into one of the first rabbit holes I entered: 9/11 and how it likely happened (hint: it wasn't explosives).
Question all things, keep an open mind, and Oh! the places you'll go!
Your interest and comments are appreciated and noted. Thank you, Pearl.
I am honoured but saddened to be in such prestigious company when it comes to realising we are being lied to and manipulated by our government and institutions.
I had an inkling before Covid, as I had taken the government on over airport expansion and rising pension ages and realised that statistics were used to deceive. The social contract I had believed in, did not exist anymore, if it ever had. Needless to say, my campaigning was largely ignored. That's what happens if you control the media.
With Covid, I am not sure what happened but I wouldn't dismiss 5G/radiation as a factor. Certainly I think next gen. nuclear is on the cards, so they know all about that stuff.
I differ from you in that I am wary of almost EVERYBODY in the alt. media as I wonder if the plan wasn't all along to have a resistance. That is not to say that they are all "controlled opposition", as many are genuine and say a lot of the truth. It's just I think the idea always was that we put ourselves into groups and react (on line) to events, characters and stories.
If the ultimate goal is a One World Brain, the idea has been around for many years. The technology is now making it seem more possible and the old economic model needs replacing anyway, as debts balloon and cheap oil and gas decline. The metaverse and the noosphere are global projects and Putin and Trump are as much involved as any other characters on the world stage, including Joe Rogan.
In 1946, Oliver L. Reiser wrote in his book "The World Sensorium: The Social Embryology of World Federation" '...since society is a natural manifestation, it also must have its basic polarities. Indeed, social evolution itself seems to depend upon our ability to produce a balance, dynamic, spiraling movement in time toward some polarized objective'. So they need differences.
Page 190 features the statement “health must be the foundation of a successful planetary socialism.” On page 192 continues “a program based on health is so practical that any special interest groups would attack it at their peril,” and then on page 203 “health is a public responsibility; no one has a private right to be diseased.” That sets the stage for digital health protocols that will lock natural life into a perpetual cybernetic game of behaviourist conditioning and data extraction.
The UN's SDGs are the headings and excuses for the ant computer that will run our digital open prison. Some may like living in a box but we are not being asked, just nudged in as it is so safe and effective to live in there!
{I differ from you in that I am wary of almost EVERYBODY in the alt. media as I wonder if the plan wasn't all along to have a resistance.)
Bravo Munchy - well stated and so true. Of course that's what this is.